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Cat Jameson is enjoying her third career, this one as a writer of romance novels packed with equal parts suspense, snark, and spice. Before that, she was a criminal defense lawyer for almost three decades, a life experience that finds its way into her stories. Upon retiring from the practice of law, Jameson began a second career as co-owner of a metaphysical bookstore— exchanging her law books for books on astrology, tarot, and non-mainstream spiritual traditions. “People see that as a 180-degree shift,” Cat explains with a laugh, “but in truth, both have always been a part of me. The only thing that changed was which was front and center.” She says the same is true for her third career as a writer: “I’ve been writing stories since I was a kid. I just never sent any of them out into the world.” That changed in 2024 when Jameson’s debut novel, Chasing Shadows, was not only sent out, but picked up by The Wild Rose Press.
A native Missourian, Jameson grew up in a small town near the Ozark Mountains, the middle child of a railroader and a teacher, before moving to St. Louis to attend Washington University School of Law. She wound up staying in St. Louis for most of her legal career and the city features prominently in both her debut novel and two others she has in the works. Today, she resides in Columbia, Missouri or, as Jameson calls it, “the middle of the middle of Flyover Country, halfway between the Kansas City Chiefs to the west and the St. Louis Cardinals to the east.” When not writing, shop-keeping, or playing with grandkids, Jameson is most likely to be off on a road trip with her best friend and business partner in a ten-year-old van named Woo — stopping at every bookstore and thrift shop along the way, loading up on ‘things they do not need and have no room for.’
Chasing Shadows is now available!
NOTE: Cat Jameson is a pen name. Anyone wishing to check Cat’s legal credentials will need to search for Cat (or Cathy) Kelly. She was enrolled at Washington University School of Law under her maiden name of Cathy Gilbert.
You were a criminal defense lawyer for some thirty years. Why criminal law as opposed to the more traditional (and more lucrative!) business, corporate, tax, etc.?
What kinds of cases did you handle in your practice and how realistic are the legal scenarios you incorporate in your stories?
Why did you choose to write romantic suspense as opposed to straight suspense or mystery or legal thriller?
What have you found most challenging about writing romantic suspense?
You are the owner of a metaphysical shop —which by definition encompasses a lot that is thought of as ‘paranormal’ — but you’ve chosen not to include any paranormal aspects in your books, despite that being a very popular fiction genre right now. Why is that? And do you anticipate including some paranormal aspects in future books?
For many people, their profession is a key part of their self-identity and yet you keep changing yours — rather drastically! Lawyer – metaphysical shop owner – now romance writer. Have you tried to keep those worlds separate? When someone asks you what you do, how do you answer? Retired lawyer – shop owner – writer?
You are publishing your debut novel at the age of 66 — and have indicated plans to write and publish more. What challenges have you run into starting a new career at this age? Are there any advantages?
Cat Jameson is a pen name. Why did you choose to write under a pen name?
Are you a pantser or a plotter when it comes to writing your novels?
What’s the best writing advice you’ve gotten?
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve been given?
Is there a style / genre you don’t currently write, but want to?